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  • Jiwoo

Mental health in the pandemic

Covid-19 has made our mental state more vulnerable than ever…

With quarantine, the switch to online school, crazy amounts of work, persistent fear of coughing and so many more, the “covid blues” are just one more worry to add to the list. We hope we can help you prevent it or get better if you are already suffering from this issue.

What are the “covid blues?”

It is a newly coined word that combines "COVID-19" and "blue," which means depressive states or lethargy caused by the spread of the Coronavirus and pandemic-related confinement/isolation.

How can we prevent it?

  • Have a consistent sleep schedule as it helps to maintain a good mood

  • Try drinking tea: it releases serotonin and increases immunity

  • Keep in touch with people: call and text!

  • Try to be productive or engage in meaningful activities: try new hobbies, cook, read, write, do arts and crafts, learn a new language, or whatever else brings you joy.

  • Exercise at home: releases stress, maintains physical health

If you are already affected, here are some tips that could help:

  • Writing all of the frustrating/intrusive thoughts down on a paper plate and then tearing it up.

  • Give yourself credit for every achievement! Even if it seems small, it is much bigger than you make it out to be in your head and you deserve to take pride in them and.

  • Try mindfulness techniques such as meditation and breathwork.

  • Express your emotions! Do not bottle it in, it will do more harm than good. Maybe try writing, singing, music, any form of emotional release.

  • Talk to a friend, sibling, parent, counselor, anyone that you feel comfortable with.

  • Distract yourself! Until you are ready to work on yourself try focusing on school, work, etc. Try to avoid getting lost in your feelings as it may get overwhelming.

  • Talk to a mental health professional if you feel comfortable enough to do that! Your problems are very valid and you have every right and are encouraged, to ask for help.


  • "COVID Blues Or Something More? How To Know When To Get Help". 2021. Healthline.

  • "사회적 거리 두기 장기화에 '코로나 블루' 급증…정신과 전문의가 알려준 극복 비결 :: 중앙일보헬스미디어". 2021. Jhealthmedia.Joins.Com.

  • "국민건강보험 블로그「건강천사」 : 네이버 블로그". 2021. Blog.Naver.Com.

  • "Using Behavior Activation To Fight The COVID-19 Blues". 2021. NYU Langone News.

  • "Want To Beat Those COVID Blues? Get Active! - Foundry". 2021. Foundry.


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