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  • Oliwia

Signs your mental health is getting worse

  1. You start cutting contact with the outside world - stop contacting or responding to your friends, stop going out, etc.

  2. Your energy tends to be lower than usual.

  3. You can’t see “the end” - can’t think of what comes afterwards and thinking about the future becomes difficult.

  4. You can’t organize and process your thoughts - might feel constantly overwhelmed.

  5. You tend to indulge in guilty pleasures more than usual as a form of seeking comfort.

  6. You push away the things and people you used to love.

  7. You form incredibly strong attachments to an activity or object and become dependent on it for emotional comfort.

  8. You tend to disconnect or “zone out” often thus losing track of reality.

  9. You might have a hard time getting out of bed, spending excessive amounts of time on technology or books, and other forms of escapism.

  10. Mundane tasks such as showering and eating start feeling overwhelming.


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