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  • Hania

The importance of Self-growth: The journey right now is about you

So what is Self-growth?

A timeless pursuit of becoming a better version of oneself

Sometimes out personal calling is deeply buried in our soul due to layers of prejudice, fear, and guilt. Bit it's still there.

You don't want to feel stuck.

It's not only about yourself. Nothing in our personal lives, nor on a worldwide scale can ever change if people refuse to grow.

There is no shame in recognizing the need for growth and change. On the contrary, it proves how strong and aware of yourself you are. It's a sacrifice for yourself and everyone you know

“It is not the world outside of you that dictates your circumstances or conditions. It is the world inside that creates the conditions in your life.”

Failure: “secret of life to fall 7 times but to get up 8 times renouncing joy and conquest“

You become what you give your attention to, even the darkest times have a lesson embedded in them. Don’t regret the experiences that opened your eyes, even if it hurt at the time everything that has happened was meant to help you evolve so that you can discover your inner power.

“Blocked paths can be blessings to beautiful beginnings”

How to find your personal calling? How to self-grow?

First accountability, take ownership of parts of yourself that need more guidance, we are all humans, after all, none of us are perfect but we can always become a better version of ourselves. Some things you could do:

  • Self-love

  • Read books

  • Take days off social media to truly

  • Spend time by yourself to listen to your soul you are your own safe place

  • Find the right path what is what you want

  • Be patient don't be hard on yourself Take time for yourself

  • Help others if you believe you have found yourself in a right spot

“To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation”

- Paulo Coelho

“With everything that is happening in the world we tend to lose ourselves while fighting for others but we will not make any change if we do not start with ourselves”

Works cited:

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho


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